What are cookie?

Cookies are small files sent and stored on your computer by the websites you visit. Cookies are stored in your browser’s file directory. The next time you visit the site, your browser will read the cookie and retransmit the information to the website or to the entity that originally created the cookie.

We remind you that the cookies we use cannot harm your computer. Furthermore, our website does not store personal information such as visitor name or credit card details in the cookies used, but uses encrypted information collected by cookies to improve the experience of users who visit our website. However, if you prefer restrict, block or delete cookies from our website, or any other website, you can use your browser. Each browser is different, so check the Help menu of the browser you are using (or consult the user’s manual for your mobile phone) to change your cookie preferences.

“Sharing” Tools

If you share the contents of our website with friends via a social network, such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter, you may receive cookies from these websites. We have no control over the setting of third-party cookies, therefore we suggest that you check third-party websites for more information on related cookies and their management.

We are not responsible for the cookies used on any third party website related to or referenced by our website.

Third party cookie

When you visit a page on our website with embedded content (for example, from YouTube, Facebook or Vimeo), you may receive cookies from these websites. We have no control over the setting of these cookies, so we suggest you check the websites of third parties for more information on the related cookies and their management.

Analysis of navigazione and statistics

Google Analytics is an analysis tool from Google that helps website and app owners understand how visitors interact with the content they own. A set of cookies can be used to collect information and generate website usage statistics without personal identification of individual visitors by Google.

In addition reporting on website usage statistics, the Google Analytics pixel tag can be used to allow Google to show more relevant results on properties, such as Google Search, and across the web.

We have no control over the setting of these cookies, so we suggest you check more information on Analytics and privacy cookies.


If the website is accessed using private credentials, we use security cookies to authenticate users, prevent the fraudulent use of login credentials and protect user data from unauthorized parties.

More information about cookie

If you would like having more information on cookies in general and their management, visit https://www.aboutcookies.org. We remind you that we are not responsible for the content of external websites.